luni, 15 iulie 2024

"Branches & Roots: Tree Studies" - rezultatele și catalogul expoziției

"Branches & Roots: Tree Studies" s-a desfășurat în luna Mai la People & Paintings Gallery, pe tema propusă de mine. Ideea proiectului pleacă de la o ilustrație proprie, ce se regăsește pe coperta catalogului.
Expoziția prezentă selecția de lucrări ale artiștilor care s-au înscris în expoziția "Branches and Roots: Tree Studies". Ni s-au alăturat 25 de artiști din 8 țări, care au înscris peste 50 de lucrări, din care am putut selecta puțin peste 20. 

Merită văzute! 

Avem și 4 români acolo. Mă bucur mult pentru fiecare lucrare înscrisă și mulțumesc fiecărui artist care a răspuns apelului meu.
Lucrările selectate se văd în link și o puteți vota pe cea care vă place mai mult.
M-am bucurat să revăd expoziția și sub forma acestui frumos catalog, editat de managerul galeriei, dl. Dmitry Iofe. S-a dovedit un proiect tare frumos datorită fiecărei lucrări înscrise! Din nou, mulțumiri tuturor!

"Branches and Roots: Tree Studies", versiunea audio-video a expoziției!
Lucrările marcate pe diagonală cu pete de culoare au fost premiate!
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Exhibition Statement

The tree is a symbol often used in art, literature and religion, to illustrate the concept of interconnectivity between the sky and earth. An important element from nature, very often found in the art of all times, present in landscapes or studied in individual artworks, the tree is at some point the choice of every artist. With leaves, full of life, or empty, dry, the trees are represented in different settings depending on the season, in a realistic style or in interpretations with metaphorical references.

The symmetrical tree is a perfect construction, a perfect symbol of this endlessly repeating mathematical equation. Just like the human character, always ready to grow, the tree takes root and rises at the same time, finding in each curve of its branch the perfect image of the whole.

The roots and branches of the tree resemble the ramifications of lightning. Even the neurons of the human brain show branches very similar to the tree.

Maybe these lines already inspire you. Whether you want to paint landscapes with trees, or you want to do graphic studies, whether you will render something realistic or with philosophical references, show us what this theme makes you think about.

Cosmina M. Oltean, exhibition curator for PPG

The curator’s note:

The exhibition turned out excellent and this is thanks to each of you! I am very happy for all the great artworks submitted in such a large number and of such high artistic quality. Each contribution was valuable. Congratulations to all!

I analyzed all artworks and it was difficult to choose only 20. In the end there was 23 artworks selected. It is equally difficult to determine the prize because there are many good artworks that deserve it. I feel it as a great responsibility.

It has to be only one, so I choose to give the prize this time to Kathy Rivera for ’Barren’, for the wonderful way in which it meets the requirements of the theme. Congratulations!

I invite you all to remain close to the gallery and to sign up for future exhibitions as well, because beyond any award, these are wonderful opportunities to join and meet international artists, learn from them, show your art to the world and celebrate art.

Catalogul, în versiune PDF - 

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